News 20 Oct 20

Tyron participates in British Army Warfighting Experiment 2020

Tyron is pleased to confirm its participation and successful involvement in AWE20 with its market-disrupting multi-piece rubber runflat tyre solutions for military armoured vehicles, designed to keep a vehicle mobile in the event of a tyre strike caused by IED or ballistic attack.

Peter Simson, Director, Tyron Runflat, said: “We would like to thank the AWE20 team, particularly Jim, Luke and colleagues, for their input. The Visitor Days are proving equally beneficial and we look forward to developing a long association with new partners within the defence industry.”

As Tyron runflat systems are made from rubber, they offer military vehicles a number of practical benefits in the field; namely, rubber absorbs shock from impingement caused by curb strikes, potholes and operating in a hostile environment, and drastically reduces the vibration and stresses that are transmitted through the runflat to the wheels, axles and drive shafts.

Secondly, rubber is a compliant material and therefore prevents the damage caused to the tyre from impingement between the runflat and the inside of the tyre.

As a result, rubber minimises the damage to the inner liner, body plies and/or bead areas of the tyre that can be caused by runflats made of rigid materials such as plastics/composites – damage that may eventually lead to the splitting, blistering, bulging and/or separation of tyre structural plies and pressure inflation loss or tyre failure.